Important Facts You Need To Know About How To Stop Smoking Weed

Important Facts You Need To Know About How To Stop Smoking Weed

Smoking weed is an obviously dangerous habit that can result in dependency on the drug. The difficulty of giving up this drug is complicated by the fact that smoking weed often involves a lot of peer pressure, as it can be a very sociable thing to do. That doesn’t make quitting any easier.

To further complicate matters, quitting is often accompanied by issues such as anxiety and insomnia. A psychological yearning for the weed that was a part of life for a long time may continue. A smoker must overcome not only a physical need for the drug, but also a psychological need for the act of smoking.

Addiction can attack in any form in a person but smoking weed is somewhat different from others. The reason behind this is that weed is often seen as a non-addictive drug, and physically, it isn’t. But you can easily become mentally dependant on it. Before stopping this act it is very essential to reach the reason behind this addiction and know how to stop smoking weed.

If you are aware of this reason it is comparatively easy to quit smoking. Suppose a person is addicted to smoking due to depression, then it is better that one should eliminate the reason behind the depression first and then go for other methodologies.

In order to stop the habit of smoking, one can find many remedies. Meditation is one way. Others include taking up hobbies to stay busy and exercising whenever one feels the need to smoke. There is yoga, running and various machines to use in the gym. Time well spent in health-inducing activities will help the person break the habit of smoking.

Find ways to keep your mind as occupied as possible, especially if you happened to smoke weed at a particular time of day. In this case, be away that your cravings will get much worse at this time and prepare diverting activities to make sure you’re not simply sitting there and wishing for a spliff.

One unique method of distraction is elastic band therapy. For this, a smoker wears an elastic band around one hand. When he or she wants to smoke, he pulls the band and snaps it against his own hand. This causes pain, as you would imagine. It is supposed to shock him out of his urge to light up a spliff. This is another lesson in how to stop smoking weed.

An excellent motivation is actually pain. Mental discomfort associated with smoking pot originates from everything you might be missing, and all the negative things in your own life which have been caused by smoking weed. This can be plenty to persuade someone to quit smoking weed, but here’s the issue: smoking helps reduce the pain. Then, if you smoke for a short time, you don’t think the negative thoughts and tend to forget about them for a bit. It’s a vicious circle. The majority of people who smoke never make the connection, convincing themselves that weed may be the only positive thing in their lives when it’s not it’s not and it is really the reason they don’t have all of the other things they really want.

How much longer are you going to allowed this to go on? Not really another minute, not another hour, not another day. You can stop very easily, once you know how. Go out and find help – there are so many sources to choose from. To help you take the first steps towards breaking your habit, check out QuitWeed, which has an excellent e-book guide for quitting marijuana.

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