12 Ultimate Benefits Of Quitting Smoking Weed

12 Ultimate Benefits Of Quitting Smoking Weed

Smoking weed may seem to be enjoyable, but it comes with consequences; negative ones for that matter. Quitting this habit can be tough, but the payoff is worth the effort. Several gains come with being drug-free, especially looking at the adverse effects linked to heavy marijuana smoking. What are these benefits of quitting smoking weed? Here is the list of the most ultimate advantages:

#1 Less Paranoia

Smoking weed creates ambivalence of fear and anxiety. As a result, this leads to the disempowerment of individuals and distances them from their spirits. This means that the tendency for one to handle different difficulties encountered with the required channels and approaches will reduce. Why not avoid this effect by abstaining from marijuana? You’d be able to make intelligent decisions and be armed with the right strategies to curb different life challenges.

#2 Enhanced Dream Recall

What do you aim to achieve in life? I guess you want the best by leading a successful lifestyle. However, this can be difficult if you are under the influence of pot. This stimulant can deviate you from thinking about your dreams; mostly, it will place you in a position to be pleased with everything that might be happening around you. But not everything might be good as it seems; you may not even be an inch closer to achieving your dreams. Staying away from this drug will enable you to assign a deeper focus to your goals.

#3 Increased Creativity

Being bounded within weed addiction might be a chain that locks your creativity levels. Being used to it might refrain you from doing anything when not under its influence. With this illusion, victims give the drug power to control their creativity abilities. Freeing yourself from these boundaries will enable you to have a wider coverage of your creativity capabilities.

#4 Save Money

Chronic smokers will always go for regular purchases of the drug, most likely in large quantities to satisfy their cravings. This accounts to an average of $10-$20 per day depending on the product’s availability, quality and dealers’ accessibility. Saving this amount on a monthly basis will enable one to embrace the always-recommended financial habit – SAVING.

#5 Improved Health

We all know that heavy smoking seriously affects the lungs. Exercise is the other important aspect of healthy living. However, you cannot indulge in any workout due to decreased functionality of the lungs. A few jogging minutes will leave you exhausted due to an insufficient supply of oxygen to your body muscles and tissues on weed. With this, you will have violated two health measures to achieve a stable health condition. The power to have better health is in your hands.

#6 Better Relationships

Smoking weed can lead to uncivil behavior that will obviously not be pleasing to your family and friends. Why risk breaking the bond with your close parties? In this life, we need to join more than one hand to make it through some situations. That is why it is important to foster these bonds since the help and support you need from these persons can be provided better when in good relationships.

#7 Better Sleep

The intake of marijuana can lead to the interruption of natural sleep. Quality sleep is a critical life essential that aids in boosting your body’s metabolism, initiating rest both for the brain and the rest of the body, and relieving one from stress encountered during the day’s chores. You can imagine the negative health effects one will be exposed to when deprived of these necessities due to the intake of this dangerous drug.

#8 Balanced Moods

Weed can make you a moody prick. When you’re might be high on the drug, everything might be normal. If not, things might be worse on your side. You need to get real and be yourself; let this drug not determine your mood cycle, but control it as you desire.

#9 Save Time

Smoking weed can cost you a bunch of time – ranging from tracking down a gram from different dealers, the smoking period, and not forgetting the period when you’ll be high. A lot of time will be needed for all this to be accomplished; probably 3 to 4 hours may be spent. This time can be pooled to do something more meaningful; you may engage in a passive income activity, take a walk for exercise amenities or any other healthy leisure activity that at the end will lead to improving your life’s status.

#10 Increased Confidence

Sometimes without weed, users may not be at ease especially when interacting with others. This can in turn distance them from the rest of the society, exposing them to stoned isolation. That’s not the case with quitters though; they tend to have increased confidence heights that most likely can come into effect within a week of laying off the drugs. As a result, they can be able to maintain eye contact when conversing with others, have self-confidence and the ability to communicate freely.

#11 Enhanced Memory

Most stoners are always known to have a terrible memory. To be on a safe side, it’s advised to be a non-stoned person to have a fresh and reliable memory. It seems to be a joke always directed towards weed addicts, but it is the case; most mental disorder cases are linked to this drug.

#12 Better Food Habits

Weed addicts often tend to be exposed to poor eating habits. This is mainly featured with regular and excessive eating that is fueled by the drugs. Research has it that quitters show an improved eating habit within their first three weeks after quitting. In their sober minds, they can make the right choice on what foods to put on their plates.


It is known to many that weed has diverse effects that can negatively impact one’s life. It is therefore important to refrain from using this drug to lead a normal life that is linked to a variety of benefits significant for your personal well-being. Thanks to websites like QuitWeed, more of this information can be accessed. All in all, in the question of what the benefits of quitting smoking weed are, the above list is all that you need.

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